Year 4 Speech Competition

Tania Gallagher —

This week we have had our Year 4 Speech Competition.

Miss Hebberd, Miss Minty and Ms Gallagher have been blown away by the phenomenal speeches that have been presented this week.

Over the second half of Term 2 the Year 4 students have been writing and practicing their speeches. They were given two topics to choose from:

# Animals should be kept in zoos

# Video games promote violence

Over the holidays, the students were given the opportunity to finish their speech and write it on cue cards. On Tuesday this week, we began the process of presenting these.

In Pataitai Pod, the students got to share their speech with us. It is fair to say that they were all absolutely amazing and we were very impressed with the quality of everyone's speech. 

After we had heard all of the children with speeches present, it was up to the Year 4 teachers to choose 3 students. They were:

Samantha S, Annabelle and Ryan L

On Friday, we had the Middle Stars Speech Competition Final. This was where all of the finalists from Years 4, 5 and 6 presented their speech to the whole Middle Stars in the Hall.

After huge deliberation, the winners were chosen:

1st - Ryan L

2nd Samantha S

3rd Annabelle 

All three students did an amazing job at presenting to us all and should be very proud of their efforts.