Hero photograph
Photo by Nicky Hebberd

Our 'Length' Maths Trail

Nicky Hebberd —

This week we began learning about measurement. Our focus has been on what length is and how we measure it.

We started our week by sharing what we already know about length. Then we looked at different tools for measuring metres, centimetres and millimetres. 

Our next task was to look at some measurement vocabulary e.g. length, distance, height, width.

This led us into our Maths Trail where we had to do a range of measurement tasks that involved estimating and measuring of objects and areas.

These were the questions we had to explore using a range of measuring equipment.

-Estimate the length of the court. What is the length?

-Estimate the height of the door. What is the height?

-What form of measurement would you use to find the height of the table? What is the measurement?

-Is the length of your foot longer than your forearm?

-Is the distance between your fingertips longer than your height from head to toe?

-Estimate the width of the Pataitai Pod. What is the measurement?

We had some great conversations through the activities and many of these will continue early next week.