Hero photograph
Rozz joined Room 1 to show us her Airforce dress uniform. Room 1 made paper poppies to wear to the assembly.
Photo by Jeni Bargh

A.N.Z.A.C Assembly 15.4.16

Jeni Bargh —

Our head boy and girl, Benjamin and Jessica, led the school through a very moving A.N.Z.A.C Assembly. 

Isabel shared with us, " We need to remember that when the men and women went overseas to fight for our country, if they died during war, their bodies were not brought back to New Zealand, but buried in foreign soil. A.N.Z.A.C day has become a way for families and friends to remember loved ones who have died, and it gives an opportunity to grieve together." The children listened to the story of Simpson and his donkey. You might to listen to this at home: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=398BlpdZnzo&list=PLa9pXiZu6XvlGTshE9qBFG_sEykWrlcW. We read 'The Ode' and listened to 'The Last Post.' Thank you to Mrs Black for organising this assembly for our school.