Hannah Minty — Feb 25, 2016

Meet Merrin School's newest PALs (Physical Activity Leaders) for 2016! 

The Physical Activity Leaders (PALs) programme is a leadership initiative designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop and apply leadership skills in the sport and physical activity area.  It provides leadership opportunities for Year 7 and 8 students who are developing skills for Tuakana Teina. 

The PALs team will run a variety of physical activities which students can participate in during lunch breaks. They will be trained to manage and run a number of physical activities on one or a number of days throughout the week. The students sense of responsibility is developed through the management of equipment and planning of sessions. The PALs will work in pairs to provide different sport or movement opportunities throughout the week.  

PALs establishes links between Primary School (PALs) and High School (Growing Coaches). Sport Canterbury have designed this programme to encourage and support students who enjoy coaching and leading teams. 

Welcome to the PALs team: Keri, Abigayle, Bella, Ai, Jennylyn, Mohammad, Luke,  Arjun, Toby and Oliver.