Term 2 Week 3

Tania Gallagher —

We have had another busy week in Pataitai and the children are beginning to settle into their school work again.


This week within reading, the majority of students have had their reading goals shared with them. These are areas which students need to focus on in their reading, to improve their comprehension. These were determined by the self reflection student completed last week which analysed their reading habits.

Books are sent home in reading folders as follow up to the reading your child has completed in their lesson. These can count towards your child's 20 minutes per night reading requirement. A child who reads for 20 minutes per day will read approximately 1,800,000 words a year, a child who reads for 5 minutes a day will read approximately 282,000 words. This impacts significantly on their ability to comprehend information in all areas of learning.

Please ensure books are being read aloud by your child to an adult in your household and are returned in your child's book bag when completed. We are losing a few copies of texts as they are not being returned.


In maths, Miss Hebberd and Ms Gallagher are moving onto Mass within the Measurement Unit of Prime. The children have spent this week working on length. This could be followed up in IXL to consolidate their learning. Ms Mansfield's group has been focusing on multiplication so these children could follow up on IXL in this area.


The children have completed the first part of their Information Report on a chosen country. We are trying to break the process in to manageable chunks by focusing on one topic and completing it before moving on to the next topic. Next week we will be focusing on 'Food' from their chosen country. If you have time over the weekend, you may like to start researching some key information for them to write about.


Thank you to the parents who helped their child fill in the gaps for their Mihimihi. We will continue to work on these over the coming weeks and give the children the opportunity to share them within the pod. 


Check out our article about what we have been doing in our STEM time. The children are loving the opportunity to work in teams to build/construct structures.

Digital Citizenship

My Online Community (K-2)

How does the Internet connect you to others?

Students explore the concept that people can connect with one another through the Internet. They understand how the ability for people to communicate online can unite a community. Students discuss the nature of the Internet, and understand that while it is not a “real” physical place, it is made up of real people. They use a graphic representation to explain the different in-person connections they have with their family, friends, and community. Students then use the same graphic model to represent how they could connect to others on the Internet by creating maps of their potential online community. Please read the parent sheet attached for more information.


Week 3

- Science and Technology Week. This will align with our STEM activities as mentioned above.

Week 4

- Bully Free Week. We have talked about this as a school at assembly this week as well as in class time. 

- ICAS Digital Technologies Exam

- Sausage Sizzle

- Pink Shirt Mufti Day to raise money for Bullying Awareness

Week 5

- ICAS Science Exam

Week 6

- Whānau Hui

- Puss in Boots Show

- 40 Hour Famine Weekend

Have a great weekend and Happy Mothers Day to all our Mums,

Tania, Nicky and Vanessa