Hero photograph
Photo by Tania Gallagher

What is happening in the Pataitai Pod in Week Two?

Tania Gallagher —

We have had a wonderful start to Term 2. Well done to all the students who participated in the Rugby Fun day today. All the children were buzzing when they got back to school.

Week One has flown by and the children have been busy. It was wonderful to see their faces on Monday when they came into the Pataitai Pod to see all the new Action Stations.

Here are the notices for Week Two:

Maths - We will continue to work on our Addition/Subtraction strategies as well as Basic Facts. Ask your child to tell you about how we have been practising these in class.  

Reading - Our groups are up and running and the children have been learning lots of new ways to understand what they are reading. This is the most important part of reading.

Writing - We have had lots of fun in writing this week. The children are learning how to write an exposition. We will continue to work on this next week. As part of the learning, we are asking that children justify why they are making a decision on a fact. 

A few final reminders:

- Children don't need to bring sun hats this term.

- It is getting colder now and our doors do not open until 8.30am. Children shouldn't be at school before 8.30am unless they are at Caspa.

- Children shouldn't be using their devices before/after school while they are waiting outside.

Have a great weekend! We wish all our Mothers a Happy Mother's Day and hope your children spoil you all on Sunday. 

Nicky, Tania and Hannah