Tania Gallagher — May 16, 2022

The Board of Trustees are excited to see Auahiroa up and running and the Year 5-6 students enjoying the space.

We are hoping to have Hinātore (the Hall) completed by the beginning of Term 3 for the school to enjoy and our new refurbishment of Rooms 9 - 12 has started. 

The Board would like to introduce Ross McGregor. Ross has been on our Board of Trustees for 18 months and has two children at Merrin School. We are very fortunate that he comes onto our Board with a background in the Construction Industry. He has experience in the Electrical and Electrical/Lighting Design and Consultancy, Project Management and Estimating fields.

Ross' primary role on the Board currently is to support Lisa with anything related to the ongoing construction projects and to ensure they are being managed as they should be by the various parties involved. 

We are very grateful for his expertise and support on behalf of the Board. His experience in the construction business has been appreciated by all involved.

If you see Ross around, please feel free to chat with him about anything. He loves to stop and talk to everyone!