Hero photograph
Photo by Geoff Wallis

Week 8 Mahuta Newsletter 

Geoff Wallis —

We have had another fantastic week in the Mahuta hub.

Hi Everyone,

I hope you have had a good week because we sure have in the Mahuta hub.

This week, we have been writing descriptions. We gave the children a piece of chocolate to eat and then we wrote about what we had experienced through our five senses. We wanted to describe the chocolate but not use the word chocolate. 

“I could see the slimy piece of gold just sitting there like a hidden treasure chest, melting in the burning sun. The milky bar slowly turned into a slimy block covered in brown gold.” By Charlotte

In Te Reo, we have been learning some new waiata. We have been focusing on our correct pronunciation so we learned ‘A ha ka ma na’, and also 'Tūtira mai ngā iwi'. In Mandarin, the children have been learning about different foods and fruits with the super talented Sophie. 

Reading Comprehension

When you read with your child at home we would encourage you to ask them comprehension questions about the text.

Please follow this link to find a resource for helping your child at home with their reading comprehension. This document covers; Making Connections, Visualize, Ask Questions, Infer, Determine Importance and Synthesize which are all very important for understanding the text better.

Next Week

Next week, we are going to be doing some maths and writing e-asTTLe testing with the children.

Important dates:

30th March - Values Assembly

1st April - Cross Country Practise at Burnside Park

On Friday we are taking all the Middle Star children down Burnside Park to have a practise for our Cross Country  event (8th April). We will be running the two kilometres track to make sure everyone knows where to go. Please make sure your child brings with them their PE uniform and running shoes. 

Just a reminder about ensuring that your child is wearing the correct uniform, including navy, brown or black shoes (with no other colour). Hair ties also need to be in the school colours.

We hope you all have a great Easter and enjoy spending time with your families. Please remember that Tuesday is a holiday, so we will see you again on Wednesday :-)

Kind regards

The Mahuta Team

Geoff, Urmi and Peri