Principal's Message
I couldn't resist sharing this photo of Mia and her new friend. Mia, Ella and Makayla have been helping out at Orana Park as part of a student volunteer programme. Great to see our rangatira (leaders) out in the community 'giving back'.
To say that things are busy at school at the moment is quite the understatement.
We have athletics events ahead of us, report checking, class placements, fun trips and activities, Year 8 star week, Gala night, choir performances, carols evenings, board reporting, 2018 planning, special assemblies and all of the usual fun and games.
Class placements are now finalised. Thank you to the parents who emailed or visited me to ensure we are fully aware of your child's needs.
On Monday, all children who are with us for 2018 will spend a session with their new teacher. We love being able to offer this, as it settles nerves and grows excitement.
On Monday 11 December, school reports will come home and enclosed for parents and children, will be a message from your new teacher, along with the details on how to sign up for your face-to-face meeting with the teacher on either 30 or 31 January 2018.
While these meetings happen, children do not attend classes. Classes begin for children on Thursday 1 February. Please ensure you read the seperate article in this publication for more detailed information on this, and other beginning of the year events.
As you know Toni Germon and Urmi Shah leave us at the end of this year. Lesley Black has offered to write wonderful things about them in next week's newsletter (it won't be hard Lesley). From myself to you both, thank you so much for your contributions to our school over the years you have been here.
Today we had a morning tea to thank all of the parent helpers who have made 2017 a successful year. So many of our parents help with a vast array of activities e.g. reading with children, mending books, sorting books, transport for events, coaching sports teams, mending costumes, fundraising on our PTA, to name but a few.
We really couldn't provide many of our activities without your assistance. You not only help your own children, but others. Thank you to all of the parents and family members who have helped us this year.
Well, must dash, tonight sees Mr. Barr and I take to the dance floor for our annual boogie at the Y8 Twigger's Dinner and Dance. I can only hope that our knees hold out.
Kind regards