Hero photograph
Photo by Hannah Minty

Writing in the Pataitai Pod 

Hannah Minty —

During Term 4 our focus for Writing is Narratives

During Term 4 we are focusing on Narrative Writing. This genre of Writing allows students to be creative and use their imagination to write a non-fiction story.

In the Pataitai Pod, we have been focusing on Character and Setting Development. In Week 1 our focus was on Character Descriptions. We learnt about similes, metaphors and personification to add important detail to our Writing. 

This week our focus has been on describing  the setting. Check out examples written by students in Year 4. 

The Haunted House

Long, long ago in the time of the dragons, wizards and evil witches there was a hidden village. The trees were old and crumbly and looked like wrinkly hands trying to grab you. The bumpy path was like a slithering snake leading to a large old house and it showed that someone had forgotten to turn the lights off. When you got closer to the door it smelt like no one had used the front door for about a million years. When I touched the front door it creaked and I saw a dark shadow appear in the corner of my eye…

By Namiko

The Spooky Castle!

Big black clouds blocked the sun from view. Black bats flew around the creepy castle. When you go closer to the graveyard, you felt as if ghosts and mummies would suddenly pop out. As I crept closer to the castle and crept through the front door I saw all kinds of potions bubbling in a big pot. Then I heard a creek…

By Margaret