Hero photograph
Natalie and Joana's animation
Photo by Urmi Shah

Animations by Room 18

Urmi Shah —

Inspired by the New Zealand Short Film Festival animations.

After going to the NZSFF, we had some wonderings about how animations are made. We did some investigating and found out lots of information about animations. Next, we decided that we wanted to have a go at animating. First, we researched some apps and we decided that we liked the animation apps "Lego Movie and Stop, Motion". Next, we made a storyboard about friendship. Miss Shah said that we had to make some of our figures from clay so we had a go. Unfortunately the legs and arms of our characters kept falling off! So…. we had to investigate how to join clay properly. We watched some youtube clips which showed us that to join clay properly we had to warm the clay, scrape, wet, twist and smooth the clay. When we made our figures again, the clay joined together much better (for most of us!). Then we made our background scenery and painted out models. We also added extra props which we made from play dough. Finally, we made our animations.  If you would like to see them, please go to our blogs at http://room18merrinschool.weebly.com and look under the tab "Animations".