Ezra and Blake enjoy solving maths challenges together. by Jeni Bargh

Y1/2 Maths Minds

Jeni BarghApril 10, 2019

"How many ways can 5 dinosaurs fit into 2 paddocks?" The Year 1s have been busy solving maths problems in their ako whānau groups. They have been practising explaining their thinking with their classmates.

The Year 1 and 2 children enjoy working collaboratively at maths time to work on a variety of problem solving skills. These sessions are facilitated by the Learning Coach Teacher. During this time some of the children work with the Guided Teacher on numeracy skills. They work in small groups to focus on number knowledge. All our tamariki have a 'maths pathway' in their maths scrapbook so that parents can see how their child is progressing. Please come and have a look!

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