by Toni Carter
Toni Carter — July 23, 2019
By Krishanu in Room 5
The Smilodon was a big cat that lived in the Pleistocene epoch (ice age). They had eleven-inch sharp teeth, and if you zoomed in really close you will see the canine is jagged.
The Smilodon has been extinct for around 10,000 years ago.
Top 10 facts about Smilodon.
The scientific name is Smilodon Fatalis.
It was roughly the same size as a male lion.
It is not related to modern big cats
It ate almost any herbivores.
It needed to eat fast otherwise dire wolves would steal their prey!
While it is often referred to as a sabre-toothed tiger, it really wasn't a tiger.
It probably hunted in packs
They only had the bite force of a large dog.
Their fossils have been mostly found in La Brea tar pits
They could live in grasslands or ice.