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Retired presbyter, Dr. Merv Dickinson, now a resident of Russley Village in Christchurch, conducts, on the third Sunday of each month, what is known as “the Sunday Gathering”

Dr. Merv Dickinson —

It’s held in the Russley Village Pavilion (73 Roydvale Avenue) from 10:00 am until 12:00 noon. This is not a religious service. Nor is it a private function. All are welcome. 

Those who attend enjoy music and singing, a time for personal sharing, and always some vibrant group discussion. At the next Gathering, on Sunday 16 July, the discussion will focus on a video talk by Max Rashbrooke titled “Three Ways to Upgrade Democracy.” 

Given the current threats to democracy around the world, and our own upcoming election, it seems a timely topic. Those who attend are welcome to remain then, if they wish, for some informal socialising over a cuppa and a shared lunch.