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Widening the community of our hearts

Methodist Mission Southern —

How often do we forget to celebrate how far we have come? “So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” Colossians 1:10

Every month MMS shares stories of success and connection from our services in our newsletter. Sharing these stories not only with the public, but with those inside our organisation, we get validation of the why, colleagues who say, “that’s nice to read, and it is a reminder of why I do this job”.

Are we getting too busy to celebrate growth? No matter how modest or minuscule the steps are, it is the taking of a positive direction of travel that we hope for in our Youth Transition Houses; the humble steps taken toward a better future for our Sustainable Tenancy clients; the expansion of knowledge and skills for our early learning centre, Little Citizens; and short course attendees.

Henri Nouwen speaks of Inner Community “The wider the community of your heart, the wider the community around you.” We create community by sharing our stories and we give thanks for the willingness to share stories that enable a connection between those of us who have such diverse and different backgrounds so that we can support each other with a commonality that provides a connection, an identity, and a feeling of belonging.

MMS services are focused on our client’s goals, and it doesn’t matter how far along the road to arriving at that destination, it may be only a single footprint forward to achieving those goals, we love to celebrate every measure of success. Big or small. We recognise the amount of effort to sometimes make even the smallest of changes; In the words of Seneca, “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials” With each learning experience, we grow, develop a weightier skill set and become more resilient in ourselves and our ability to help others and this should be applauded.

Let us joyfully celebrate the wins not only for others but include ourselves in the jubilation. Conscious, positive affirmations that our direction of travel is forward, and whilst we are recognising the struggles of others, leaving no one behind, we must include ourselves. “The Apostle Paul stated: “For I am sure of this very thing, that the one who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus (Phil 1:6)

Please join The Methodist Mission Southern Supporters’ Club
Be part of our story, our work, and our community
Contact Julie: julier@mmsouth.org.nz