Hero photograph
Photo by Operation Refugee

Operation Refugee


It may be winter but there are good reasons to get together for some fun. Operation Refugee is a great excuse to share a warm, nourishing meal, go for a brisk walk, join in a Bible study, or simply share stories from places where people are hurting.

We invite you to raise funds for refugees from Afghanistan, Palestine, Syria and Ukraine. The need is significant and so we ask you to help with your prayers and if you can, your gifts.

Our churches have helped many refugees and migrant people settle in Aotearoa New Zealand over many years. Yesterday we heard that some years ago Beckenham Methodist Church organised two weddings for former refugees in Otautahi Christchurch. Let us not forget these stories of how we as church have welcomed people who have fled violence and persecution.

Welcome is a collection of worship resources and stories prepared for Refugee Sunday last month or check out Operation Refugee resources for recipes, quizzes, a Bible study and ideas for organising Gathering. Or simply call National Director Murray Overton to discuss how you might be involved: 0800 74 73 72.

by Christian World Service