Hero photograph
Photo by CWS supplied

Operation Refugee

Christian World Service —

A shout-out to Wellington Methodist Church which held a banquet in support of this year’s Operation Refugee. The funds raised through the dinner and an auction will assist refugees from Afghanistan, Palestine, Syria and Ukraine. Thank you!

So far individuals and groups have raised more than $12,000 for Operation Refugee but CWS wants to double that before August 20, when the challenge ends. Talk to your parish or group about how you can stand with refugees and have some fun – it’s also okay to do your challenge later in the year when it is a little warmer.

Sylvia Haddad from DSPR Lebanon has written:

The education programme for the young Syrian refugee students is very busy and going well. We even used the online method for those that live too far to attend in person and for those who cannot afford our now very expensive transport costs. I don't have the exact numbers with me who went to Syria for their official exams, but I estimate that there were around 220 who sat the 2 official exams of the Brevet and the Baccalaureate. Passing the second exam will allow them entrance into universities.

The economic and political situation in Lebanon is deteriorating as more businesses close and people lose their jobs. The devaluation of the Lebanese pound and the inflation in prices is affecting everybody as many essential items cannot be imported such as medicines, and the hospitals are suffering. A good number of nurses and doctors have left the country and so have many teachers and professors. All have to make a living and so have to seek work elsewhere.

But we at DSPR Lebanon continue to work hard to help people continue with education, vocational training and community development and provide relief funds when we receive.

Check out Operation Refugee resources for recipes, quizzes, a group Bible study and ideas for organising a Gathering. Or simply call National Director Murray Overton to discuss how you might be involved: 0800 74 73 72.