Hero photograph
Murray Overton - CWS National Director

Invite Murray to Talk

Christian World Service —

Looking for something different? Invite CWS National Director Murray Overton to speak in person (depending on Covid-19), by Zoom or Skype in your services or to your group. With fresh eyes, he will share stories of how your prayers and donations are ways to share God’s love in the world. This year CWS is focusing on the big changes that are being made for families and communities around the world. He is happy to speak to people of all ages.

Interested? Contact Murray on (03) 366 9274or 021 082 50118.

Partner for Life

There are lots of reasons why monthly giving is a good idea. Set it up once and know that you are giving practical help to people who need water, food and justice every month. You will save postage and time. You can choose the amount you want to give. You can donate by automatic payment you set up, by direct debit or by credit or debit card online. You will get special reports and stories from our partners. You will give our partners security of funding and know that you are giving people the support they need to make the change they want.

If you would like to talk about Partner for Life, please contact Jordyn at 0800 74 73 72 or watch out for our next mailing.