Hero photograph

Operation Refugee


“I was a Stranger and you Welcomed Me” Jesus, Matthew 25:35

On June 20, World Refugee Day, CWS will launch Operation Refugee. Pray, walk, eat - stand with refugees. Join us as an individual, a church or group. In the cool winter months you might like to host a warm, cosy gathering around shared food or a brisk afternoon walk. Your donations mean our local partners can organise emergency assistance, education and healthcare for refugees. Check out the Kete and other resources.

Pray for refugees and others displaced by war and conflict – a staggering 100 million people according to the United Nations. The needs are very great.

For Jesus, hospitality was important. He liked to share a meal with people who he may have only just met and talk to strangers. For many decades, our partner churches have welcomed refugees and new migrants, helping them to settle and learning from their stories and experiences.

Refugee Sunday on June 26 is the day set aside in the Methodist and Presbyterian Calendar to pray for refugees and celebrate their contribution to our lives together. The Anglican Calendar designates July 3. Welcome includes worship resources for you to use in your church or group. If you can, please consider organising a special collection to support Operation refugee.

By Christian World Service