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Photo by Heather Fraser

Covid-19 Zui discussions

Trudy Downes —

I am finding these Covid-19 times strange even though we have spent two years preparing for this moment.

While my thoughts are for those people going through the trials of isolation and possible illness, I also have concern for those that are trying to keep the wheels turning our parishes and other church entities.

This is part of the reason for the Covid-19 Zui series. To help us keep the wheels turning, rather than churning.

Topics include:

  • Buildings - Cleaning, Signage, Use, Recap
  • Covid-safe Holy Communion
  • The Omicron Phases and series recap to date
  • Business Continuity - what the Connexional Office is doing
  • Rapid Antigen Testing (RATs)
  • 2 scenarios of Covid-19 at your place and what to do. 

and each session has a video recording of the Zui, the powerpoint presentation I used (which include notes on each powerpoint slide) and any other relevant information source that I have used.

If there is one Zui in particular that I would recommend, than that is the building Zui which includes how to clean after there has been a Covid-19 case, with a recap of the contact tracing and signs to post telling people.

One Zui that I particularly enjoyed was the Holy Communion Zui. I am always in awe when the power of the Connexion comes through, of the strength that the Methodist Church has of sharing stories and ideas from across the country.

Thank you.

Zui = Zoom hui, hui = gathering

Nā Trudy Downes Mobile 027 457 4196 trudyd@methodist.org.nz