Solomon Islands

Mission & Ecumenical —

Remembering the life of Rev Philemon Riti

Mission & Ecumenical joins the Pacific Council of Churches and the Uniting Church of the Solomon Islands in mourning the recent of death of Reverend Philemon Riti OBE after years of faithful service in the Solomon Islands, PCC Moderator (2002 – 2007) and throughout the region, and as far as the World Council of Churches in Geneva.

As a minister and later Moderator of the UCSI, Rev Philemon never hesitated to speak truth to and challenge the systems he felt caused harm to God’s people. He was forthright in his views on logging, ecological justice, corruption, divisive politics and the need for reconciliation after his country’s troubles which overflowed into civil unrest in 2000. As General-Secretary of the Solomon Islands Christian Association, Rev Philemon called for the involvement of the church to bring about an end to ethnic tensions by fostering reconciliation. His genuine concern for the Solomon Islands was manifested in his consistently holding logging companies, politicians and unscrupulous traders to account for their actions.

A true ecumenist, Rev Philemon was instrumental with Bishop Ellison Pogo of the Anglican Church of Melanesia in forging closer links between the clergy of the UCSI and ACOM. But they took this a step further by including the church leaders’ wives in this landmark moment at Maravari, Vella Lavella, in 1993.

Rev Philemon’s vision for a united people and lasting peace for the Solomon’s through the joint efforts of traditional and church leaders can perhaps be summarised in his own words:

"We have to be seen together, to unite together, so that our people in the grassroots, especially those affected areas, will also have a deeper feeling of the wider community's concern for them. And, in that way, peace and reconciliation will be (achieved)."

For Rev Philemon Riti – thanks be to God. (This tribute is sourced from PCC).

by Mission & Ecumenical