PDG — Jul 4, 2022

I am happy to hear from you when you have questions, and will do my best to support you.

Mary West PDG secretary maryw@west.net.nz




“Poipoia te kākano, kia puawai”, Nurture the seed and it will blossom

Trinity Methodist Theological College

Certificate in Lay Preaching
Diploma in Methodist Studies
LTh Samoan, Tongan
New Zealand Diploma in Christian Studies
Advanced Diploma in Religious Studies
Bachelor of Theology
And many more ...

Website: https://www.trinitycollege.ac.nz
Phone: 09 521 2073


Undergraduate qualifications Semester 2 2022

Māori Religion & Theology
Arts & Culture in Christian Ministry & Mission
Interpreting the Old Testament
And many more ...

Postgraduate Qualifications in Chaplaincy, Ministry, Faith-based Leadership & Management

Contact: theology@otago.ac.nz

Te Wānanga O Aotearoa

Courses in te reo Māori, tikanga, raranga (weaving)
And many more ...

Website: https://www.twoa.ac.nz

MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses)

edX: https://www.edx.org/
Future Learn: https://www.futurelearn.com/
Coursera: https://www.coursera.org/

Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)

Website: https://www.cpe-nz.org.nz for 2022 courses & application forms

Centre for Courage & Renewal, Australasia

A programme of retreats for leaders, clergy & people of faith, educators, health care professionals and people interested in life, work & aging

Website: https://www.couragerenewal.org