Mission and Ecumenical — May 10, 2022

Pray with us! The Ecumenical Prayer Cycle takes us through every region of the world over the course of a year.

Praying for each place on earth and its people at least once a year, we affirm our solidarity with Christians all over the world, brothers and sisters living in diverse situations, experiencing diverse problems and sharing diverse gifts. How about including the countries in each week’s cycle of prayer in your parish bulletin, or in your Sunday prayers of intercession? You can find the list on the WCC website https://www.oikoumene.org/resources/prayer-cycle or on the refreshed MME webpages https://www.methodist.org.nz/mahi/mme/prayer/

by Mission and Ecumenical Board
[Acting] Director: Rev. Tony Franklin-Ross
E-mail: mm-e@methodist.org.nz www.methodist.org.nz/mahi/mme