Week of Prayer For World Peace

Week of Prayer For World Peace: an interfaith and ecumenical opportunity

Mission & EcumenicalSeptember 12, 2022

The Week of Prayer for World Peace is an opportunity for people of all faiths to pray in their own gatherings or with people of other faiths for world peace. This year the Week will be observed between 16th and 23rd October.

A prayer resource has been produced by the New Zealand organising committee with prayers, readings and affirmations from many faiths to use each day. It has used the content from the prayer resource created by the Week of Prayer for World Peace multi-faith committee based in Great Britain. Religious communities and interfaith groups throughout Aotearoa-New Zealand are encouraged to celebrate the Week both in our own observances and together with people of different faiths.

You will find the prayer resource attached in multiple formats so you can choose how you will print it yourself and distribute it, and incorporate into local observances:

  • Week Of Prayer 2022 - A5 6p.pdf: 6 page A5-sized version with front and back pages
  • Week Of Prayer 2022 - A5 4p.pdf: page A5-sized version with just the readings for the Week
  • Week Of Prayer 2022 – A4 2p.pdf: 2 page A4-sized version with just the readings for the Week which can be printed double-sided and folded

There will also be a Facebook posting of the readings each day: https://www.facebook.com/WPWPNZ2014

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