Connexions October 2024
Wallace Woodley
The Celebration of the Church's 160th Anniversary will be held over Labour Weekend on Saturday evening 26th and Sunday morning and afternoon 27th October this year.
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WHS secretary
Associated with the Conference, the Wesley Historical Society will be holding its AGM and dinner on Friday 8th November 2024, at 5:30pm at Trinity Union Church, 14 Hall Avenue, Newtown, Wellington.
Freddy De Alwis
As this is the season of creation, I would like to focus on “the stewardship of creation” that’s a theme found in Mt 21 – the renters of the vineyard.
Professor Paul Trebilco
The Theology Programme at the University of Otago offers many opportunities for the study of Christian Theology, both on-campus and to many students across New Zealand through our successful distance study programme.
The Connexional Office
In our fast-paced, constantly connected world, seeking silence and going on a retreat has become increasingly valuable.
Sonia Faulkner
Applications for a research grant of up to $10,000 are invited by 31 October 2024.
Trinity Methodist Theological College
Job Title: Director of Formation: Lay & Ordained MinistryLocation: Trinity Theological College, 202 St Johns Road, Meadowbank, Auckland
Philip Garside Publishing Ltd
Philip Garside will be running a bookstall at Conference.
Marie Smith
Fiona Sawers
Rising sea levels, severe weather events, and environmental degradation threaten the livelihoods and well-being of our Pacific neighbours.
Julie Roberts
Barnardos is rolling out ENGAGE across early childhood centres nationwide, with the support of the team at Methodist Mission Southern.
For the whole month of October Lifewise is lucky enough to be one of the chosen charities of One Good Kiwi, an awesome donation platform of One New Zealand.
Sarah Gardiner
Vacancy for a Live-In Host Interested in serving God through the gift of hospitality??
Rev Dale Peach
2025 Kete Aroha o Waipounamu
Marion Hines
The Climate Justice Working Group is committed to producing a calendar for each of the five key focus areas in the Climate Justice Decade – Rekindle the Va of Papatūānuku. The focus area for 2025/26 is Climate Migration/Displacement.
Web Master
We warmly invite Lay Preachers and kaikarakia from all Synods, experienced, in-training or anyone simply interested, to the Methodist Lay Preachers Network annual meeting by zoom on Monday 4 November at 7.30pm.
Some rights reserved Methodist Church of New Zealand , 2024