Connexions May 2024
Connexional Office
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Julie Roberts
Our Young Mums’ House and Youth Transition Houses are not just houses, but a home where the rakatahi residents are empowered to rewrite their life course, break generational cycles, and embrace start on the journey of self-determination.
Gillian Southey
Thank you to everyone who has responded to the letter from CWS Board chairperson, Jill Hawkey.
John Thornley
Words by Shirley Erena Murray and music by Jillian Bray
“We vehemently thank you for this wonderful water tank gift,” says Mbabazi.
Lynda Alexander
Senior Ecumenical Chaplain at Lincoln University
Rosalie Sugrue
May is traditionally the month we celebrate the birth of Methodism and the Wesley family.
We invite you to join with us in praying for people displaced by war, conflict and persecution on Refugee Sunday, June 21.
Climate Justice Working Group
CJWG are thrilled to announce an upcoming event that promises to inspire and empower you to have influence in our world.
Thank you to everyone who has supported the people of Gaza with prayers, actions and gifts.
Jocelyn Czerwonka
In May 2024 the MC National Team are doing a Training Road-trip from Auckland to Cromwell bringing guests Rev Dr Dave Gregory and Rev Gregory Ross from the UK and Western Australia to somewhere in NZ near you.
Some rights reserved Methodist Church of New Zealand , 2024