Connexions - June 2022
As a Church we celebrate the achievements of three of our members who were recognised in this year’s Queen’s New Year and Birthday Honours lists. We extend our warm congratulations to these three and to other Methodists from across the country who have received recognition this year.
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Did you buy A Market Stall as part of CWS’s Gifted programme? Under the scheme for internally displaced mothers in South Sudan, they have learnt business skills, received start-up capital and some mentoring.
Climate Justice Working Group
Thank you to all synods who have responded to our recent planning update. We are delighted with the enthusiasm shown by Te Haahi for the initiatives suggested.
“I was a Stranger and you Welcomed Me” Jesus, Matthew 25:35
Mission & Ecumenical
Reflective Being, Being Reflective. 25 years of multi-faith perspectives on disability and spirituality in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand
The Religious Diversity Centre is pleased to announce the Programme: ‘E tū te mana o Te Ao: Building a Climate of Hope’. This is the RDC Climate Action Workgroup’s 2022 programme.
Methodist Mission Southern
How much do the small acts of faith add up to enlarging God’s kingdom?
Valda Mc Beth
The EfM (Education for Ministry) NZ Trust Board is seeking to broaden its membership.
Refugee Week is observed ecumenically and internationally.
Chartwell Church
CWS is appealing for people facing famine in East Africa. ACT Alliance is distributing emergency cash, food, fast growing seeds, animal feed, water and sanitation and other assistance.
The situation remains very challenging in Afghanistan.
From the Connexional Office
Names & Addresses (page 23)
Colin Scarf
Methodist Alliance
Colin Gibson’s hymn Let Justice Roll Down Like a River is based on Amos 5:24:
Caring for Our People
Webinar - Register Now!
PAC Distribution Group
Share your dream or story
Thank you to everyone who has given so generously to the Ukraine Appeal.
Chartwell Co-operating Church
Chartwell Cooperating Church is situated in the growing city of Hamilton - Kirikiriroa in the community of Chartwell. Our mission is ‘to know and share God’s love’ and our vision is ‘to be the hands, feet and body of Christ in the community.’
John & Gillian Thornley
- in partnership with Manawatu People’s Radio (MPR)
Some rights reserved Methodist Church of New Zealand , 2024