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Covid-19 Lessons Learned – Let’s share our stories

Trudy DownesFebruary 8, 2024

Four years. That is how long we have been living with Covid-19 and everybody has been affected by it.

It has been a journey of ups and downs. Remember the afternoons watching Aunt Cindy and Dr Bloomfield? The scary wait for test results before RATs became available?

The Government has its Covid-19 Royal Commission of Inquiry and it is time that we look at our own lessons. When another pandemic occurs, what can we do better? How can we look after each other better? How well did we perform as a Church?

Ideal feedback would be from a parish, rohe, group or whānau so that we can respond as a strong Connexion in the future. But all stories and feedback are welcome.

Below are links to an online submission form, pandemic timelines, MCNZ COVID-19 articles, and a link to live feedback sessions at the end of March.

The live feedback sessions will be recorded, but only for the purposes of ensuring that all feedback is captured, after which the recordings will be deleted.

All submitters' details will be treated confidentially.

I hope you can find the time to share your story.

Mauri ora!


0800 266 639


Click here on the day 11.30am – 12.30pm 

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