Connexions December 2023
Connexional Office
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Christian World Service
The CWS office will close for the Christmas break at 12:00pm on Friday 22nd December and reopen on Monday 8th January. If you need to contact us, please email:
The climate crisis is making life much harder for many people.
Di MacDonald - Lifewise
The power of choice is a cornerstone in the lives of individuals like Karen, a dedicated mother navigating the world with a visual impairment.
Paul Trebilco, Head of Theology Programme, Professor of New Testament Studies
The Theology Programme at the University of Otago offers many opportunities for the study of Christian Theology, both on-campus and to many students across New Zealand through our successful distance study programme.
Wendy Anderson, Insurance and Property Team
The global warming is increasingly affecting New Zealand weather and earlier this year we saw the devastation following the Auckland Floods and Cyclone Gabrielle. With over $4B in claims, we expected this to impact on our insurance going forward.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Choose the best Christmas gift at Gifted.
Lynne Scott, National Secretary, World Day of Prayer Aotearoa NZ
The World Day of Prayer Aotearoa NZ National Committee is holding a workshop in Christchurch.
Kete Aroha o Waipounamu
Start 2024 spiritually and mentally refreshed. Our inaugural South Island School of Theology is open to all interested in giving themselves space for challenging conversations, provocative ideas, and inspiring resources on theology from the edge. A great opportunity for all ministers, pastors, and lay preachers to invest in their gifts, but also incredibly enriching for all thoughtful lay leader.
Climate Justice Working Group
Calendars available now. Have you ordered yours yet?
Wendy Anderson
If you are travelling during the holidays have a safe journey
Lesley Aitken
On Sunday the congregation of St Matthew’s/St Paul’s Co-operating Parish, Taumarunui held a meaningful service of thanksgiving and celebration to acknowledge the 114 years of ministry at Manunui.
Please keep the people of Gaza and the West Bank in your prayers.
Kaurihohore / Kamo Co-operating Parish
In November we gathered with our sister church (St. John’s Golden Church) and members of our wider community in Whangārei to participate in a watch party for the Evolving Faith Conference.
Trudy Downes
There is another Covid-19 wave upon us, and I think it’s time we had a quick word about it before we head off to celebrate our Christmas season. Covid-19 isn’t just a wintertime flu, and we still need to take some care while we are out and about because it would be annoying to be sick when we should be relaxing in the sun!
Get your copy now!!
ACT Alliance (Action by Churches Together) expressed its disappointment at the final statement from the COP28 climate negotiations earlier this week.
John Thornley
Six Carols by NZ Hymnswriters, compiled by Roy Tankersley and John Thornley
Julie Roberts
Preparing for Christmas in the Mission’s Youth Transition Houses is not for the faint-hearted, it is, however, a testament to resilience and community support.
Lynne Scott, ACWC National Representative, Church Women United Aotearoa NZ
The 17th Quadrennial General Assembly of the Asian Church Women’s Conference (ACWC) comprising of 60 women from 13 of the 18 ACWC member countries and 7 members from the International Committee of the Fellowship of the Least Coin (ICFLC), (which included representatives of World Day of Prayer (WDP), Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) and Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC)), gathered at the Presbyterian Bible College, Hsinchu, Taiwan from 5-8 November 2023 with the Theme “Women Caring for God’s Earth”. (Romans 8:20-23)
Some rights reserved Methodist Church of New Zealand , 2024