Connexions - July 2022
Methodist Mission Southern
“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” Proverbs 31:25
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CWS’s partner Community World Service Asia is responding after last month’s 5.9 magnitude earthquake in Afghanistan.
Mission & Ecumenical
In a public statement focused on the Holy Land, the WCC central committee expressed “deep solidarity with the member churches and Christians of the region in their life and work, keeping the Christian faith and witness in the Holy Land alive and vibrant, as well as with all people in the region.”
Caring for Our People
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Methodist Mission Northern
Cheryl has worked with Methodist Mission Northern for 20 years and will be sorely missed.
Peace Sunday will be August 7, the day after Hiroshima Day.
Sue Davies-Young, Chair
Whangarei Central Baptist Church
Joanne Gaudin
When a volcanic eruption and tsunami in January devastated the small Island nation of Tonga, not only did it destroy homes but the crops that provide their food were damaged by the high level of ash and stones, waterways became undrinkable and members of the Napier based Methodist Tongan Church congregation were concerned for their families back home.
Johnsonville Uniting Church
Are you looking for a change or a new calling?
Premalatha shares her story in our Winter Story, Sometimes we Starve.
Methodist Alliance
The Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay of South Africa was named as the ninth World Council of Churches (WCC) General Secretary Central Committee at its 17 June meeting.
Fellowship of the Least Coin
The circle represents the whole world and the logo includes folded hands in prayer that encircle a small plum flower. The hands are different colours to represent people of all backgrounds. Together, these praying hands form the image of a lotus flower.
Details that have changed are in italics.
Mission Resourcing
Only Two More Rounds of Grants Left
CWS is appealing for people facing famine in East Africa after four consecutive seasons of below-average rainfall.
It may be winter but there are good reasons to get together for some fun. Operation Refugee is a great excuse to share a warm, nourishing meal, go for a brisk walk, join in a Bible study, or simply share stories from places where people are hurting.
The current outboard motor for the Sasamunga Hospital boat is ageing, and has broken down in an emergency situation. It is repaired and functional, however the secretary of the Hospital, Rev Caleb Kotali, requested that Methodist Mission & Ecumenical fund a replacement to ensure the reliability of the running of the hospital boat.
Waikato Hospital, Te Whatu Ora - Waikato
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