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An Easter Reflection

Rosalina Noa Toilolo, NZMWF- National Secretary —

It is a privilege and honour to write this month’s contribution on behalf of the NZMWF Executive team. With Easter around the corner, I thought it was timely to write about Easter, and specifically about the WOMEN in the Easter story; Mary mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene.

I remember at young age, when I first read and learned about Jesus’ mother Mary, my first reaction was, “Wow, of all the women in the world, our Father God chose her. How awesome is that?” I continued to be in awe, because she then becomes the mother of THE most famous man, Jesus. I wanted to be just like Mary, to be chosen by God but ultimately … to be famous! Remember, I was young. 

Now that I am much older and a mother, re-reading scripture or watching movies about Easter, I think of the suffering Mary endured. I can’t imagine the pain and heartache when she watched her son Jesus being beaten and mocked by Romans and despised by many Jews. Mary had to watch every agonising step.

While I thought it was cool, and an honour to be the mother of the Messiah, I also learnt and know it came at a big sacrifice.

Mary Magdalene went to visit Jesus’ grave, and when the stone was rolled away and she realised Jesus’ body was gone, she began to cry, thinking his body had been stolen. She then heard a voice, asking why she was crying, and who was she looking for?

Mary begged the stranger to tell her where the body was, and with just one word he responded, “Mary”. Immediately Mary recognised his voice, He had spoken her name so many times. It was Jesus and He was ALIVE!

We all have people in our lives who we recognise by the way they say our names, especially our parents and spouse. You recognise those you have a close relationship with, someone who loves you. Mary Magdalene had that kind of relationship with Jesus. Although she did not recognise him, she knew his voice.

These two amazing women and their relationship with Jesus provide valuable life lessons, Mary mother of Jesus has taught me that Easter is a reminder that our present suffering cannot be compared to the glory that is to come (Romans 8:18). Those three days were the worst days of Mary’s life and the best days in the history of mankind.

As for Mary Magdalene, if you belong to God, He knows your name, and he is calling you. Do you recognise His voice?

Think & Reflect:

Mary mother of Jesus – How might your suffering be used for good in your life or the lives of others?

Mary Magdalene – Consider your relationship with Christ. Do you believe He knows you by name?

Wishing you all God’s love and Blessings over the Easter break.