Hero photograph
The Tongan children at St John’s Methodist, Hamilton East recently celebrated Education Day. It is a day when older people share what they have achieved during the year to encourage children to work hard at school. 
Photo by Ady Shannon

Kidz Korna

Doreen Lennox —

Welcome to the first Kidz Korna for 2023. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. It was a pity that we had so much rain and wind. Some of you may have had to move to a safer place because of the flooding?

Book Review

Title: The Candle Trees

Author: Anthony Holcroft

Publisher; Quentin Wilson Publishing

The Candle Trees is a historical fantasy story for older children. It is a wonderful story telling what happens when 13-year-old Julian finds a diary written by Julia, his great-grandmother, when she was a young girl. Julia has come to stay and Julian is not at all impressed, but he becomes enthralled as he reads of Julia’s adventures searching for the legendary and magical Candle Trees.

Anthony Holcroft is an award-winning New Zealand author who lives in Canterbury.

Image by: Ady Shannon


Who are these people?

Ø She was tempted by a serpent (snake)

Ø He was put in a basket and floated on the river.

Ø He was swallowed by a big fish.

Ø She was married to Abraham.

Ø He was Jesus’ cousin.

Ø Lazarus was their brother.

Answers Eve, Baby Moses, Jonah, Sarah, John. Mary and Martha