Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel, Legal Advisor — Jun 27, 2022

The Government confirmed pre-departure tests will be scrapped from 20 June. This change will be well received given the ease and cost of getting a test had increasingly become a barrier to people travelling to New Zealand.

The removal of pre-departure tests will mean a lot more people travelling to New Zealand and increased capacity. Increased tourism will help lift the New Zealand economy based on consumer supply and demand.

Prior to this announcement, most travellers (New Zealand citizens and residents) entering New Zealand had to provide evidence of a negative Covid-19 test result before they travelled. The pre-departure test requirement applied to those vaccinated for, or recovered from Covid-19, and travellers were responsible for the costs associated with the pre-departure test requirements.

From 21 June travellers entering New Zealand from anywhere in the world will no longer need to take a pre-departure test. However most travellers still need to be vaccinated and take two rapid antigen tests (RATs) after arriving in New Zealand. If you transit through New Zealand, you no longer need to be vaccinated or complete the New Zealand Traveller Declaration.

The following people can enter New Zealand now from anywhere in the world and self-test on arrival: