Hero photograph
Photo by Ady Shannon

Green Grants Pūtea Tiaki Taiao Good to Go

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At Conference last year MCNZ announced the decision that funding will be provided for special projects that address climate change.

The Green Grant Pūtea Tiaki Taiao initiative encourages and enables parishes to respond to the impact of global warming by providing funding to support projects that address climate change.

The criteria for all applications include:

· Projects must respond to climate change

· Applications must be made via the Green Grant Pūtea Tiaki Taiao application form available online

· Applications can be made every three years

· One application per building in those three years

· Applications close on 31 March and 30 September (subject to available funding)

· Applications should be supported by the following information:

o Strategy

o Audited accounts (most recent) and Accounts Year to Date

o Budget

o Synod approval (letter and minute)

There will be an annual funding budget of $500,000 sourced from the Property Development Fund with three funding levels depending on the project and projected costs. The levels with examples of (but not restricted to) possible projects are:

· Up to $20,000 eg solar panels, greywater recycling, insulation

· Up to $50,000 eg use of renewable energy

· Up to $100,000 eg new builds incorporating green building initiatives

A sub-group appointed by the Methodist Connexional Property Committee will assess applications and make recommendations to the Committee.

To access the application form visit: www.methodist.org.nz/tangata/property-and-insurance/green-grants/