Hero photograph
Photo by Katherine Doig.

Archivists Stepping Aside

Ady Shannon —

In early March long-standing archives volunteers Katherine Gillard and Jan Kotlowski retired. Archivists Katherine Doig and Jennie Hood organised a morning tea function in recognition of the enormous contribution Jan and Katherine have made to collections since they stepped in to help sort boxes stored at a Wairakei Road warehouse 10 years ago.

Jan and Katherine came to volunteer when archives had just moved to the warehouse. The facilities were quite primitive, heating was limited and there was very little space to work on the collections. Collapsible tables and the tops of plan cabinets were used as work surfaces.

Jan was working as an archivist at Ara at the time. When the institute was closed for three months, she decided to offer her expertise in the community for a professional development day. That one-day turned into a 10-year commitment of one day per week. Katherine, also an experienced archivist, started working on the enormous backlog of uncatalogued personal papers and historical records, bringing the PPHR collection created by Rev Rugby Pratt in the 1920s up to the 2020s.

Although Jo Smith (recently retired long time MCNZ archivist) was not able to attend the event, she extended her thanks and best wishes to the pair in an email message, acknowledging the cheerful attitude of Jan and Katherine and their willingness to pitch in wherever their expertise was required. “All the volunteers helped with the shelf sort when we moved to Langdons Road and I would particularly like to thank Jan and Katherine for their help with this physically demanding work”.

Katherine is looking forward to spending time with her husband Philip. Jan, who continues to work 20 hours a week at Ara, is looking forward to having more spare time in her life. She has not ruled out returning one Tuesday in the future. For how long is anyone’s guess.