Hero photograph
Anne Rachel and Verenaisi ready for a traditional Fijian dance. 
Photo by Seni Baleinukulala FB page

Eda Na Seretaka Vakacava Na Sere I Jiova Ena Nodra Vanua Na Kai Tani.(Singing The Lord's Song In A Strange Land Ps 137:4)

Vakarautaka: Akuila Bale —

Na Lesoni Same 137: 4 Eda na seretaka vakacava na sere i Jiova, E na nodra vanua na kai tani?

Na sere eda lagata, ena vakatautaki vei koya e vola na qaqana se me na lagati vakacava, se nai vakarau ni kena lagati, na yalo e lagati kina, nai lakolako se totolo ni sere, na rorogo se bibi ni vosa e vakayagataki kei nai vakatagi e taurivaki kina, ka rawa ni da tukuna na kena rogorogo vinaka na sere e vu mai na kena lagati me vaka nai vakarau e buli kina na sere koya. (Singing according to writers and compilers of songs and what those songs were meant to be)

Yavu ni Lagasere Vaka Wesele(Wesleyan Singing Traditional Rules)

1. Meda sere taucoko.

Ena loma ni Vuvale, Cakacaka, Vuli, Lotu se Veiwekani e gadrevi dina me da vakaitavi taucoko. Sega ni vinakati na vakasavuliga se vakawelewele.

Sega ni i tavi duadua ga nei Talatala se ko Vakatawa na Lotu, ia sa nodai tavi taucoko na kena colati na kena matoka ni veiqaravi.

Sing all. See that you join with the congregation as frequently as you can. Let not a slight degree of weakness or weariness hinder you. If it is a cross to you, take it up and you will find a blessing.

2. Meda sere ena dua nai vakarau

E koto nai vakarau ni veiqaravi ni lotu eda lewena ka sinai tu kina na veivakarokorokotaki, veivakaliuci, veivakararamataki se vakavuvuli e ganita na bula ena vanua vou oqo. Da veiciqomi ka veisereki ena yalomalumalumu.

Nai vakarau sai Jisu na noda Tui ka Turaga. Meda dina tikoga vua se vakacava na veiveisau e yaco.

Sing in time. Whatever time is sung, be sure to keep with it. Do not run before, not stay behind it; but attend closely to the leading voices, and move therewith as exactly as you can. And take care you sing not too slow. This drawling way naturally steals on all who are lazy; and it is high time to drive it out from among us, and sing all our tunes just as quick as we did at first.

3. Meda sere ena domo e rogo vinaka

Na domo e rogo vinaka e dusia tikoga na noda duidui mai na dua e mateni ka lagasere kei na dua e vakasinaiti ena Kaukauwa ni Kalou.

Sing modestly. Do not bawl, as to be heard above, or distinct from, the rest of the congregation, that you may not destroy the harmony; but strive to unite your voices together, so as to make one clear melodious sound.

4. Meda sere ena yalo e marautaka. So na gauna eda sega ni vakarau mai eda veicudruvi lesu ena gauna ni so Kalou.

Sing lustily, and with a good courage. Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength. Be no more afraid of your voice now, nor more ashamed of it being heard, then when you sing the songs of Satan.

5. Sere vua na Kalou.

Na sere e laveti na Yaca i Jisu na Luve ni Kalou kei na noda semati keda vua na Kalou na Tamada ena veiceguvi ni Yalo Tabu.

Above all, sing spiritually. Have an eye to God in every word you sing. Aim at pleasing Him more than yourself, or any other creature. In order to do this, attend strictly to the sense of what you sing, and see that your heart is not carried away with the sound, but offered to God continually; so shall your singing be such as the Lord will approve of here, and reward when he cometh in the clouds of heaven.

Meda Kalougata Ena Sere Me Baleti Kalivari kei Na Loloma Ni Kalou vei Keda.