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Methodist Church of New Zealand

The diverse audience included 27 participants from many parishes. by Supplied

Lay Preachers Re-Think Worship

Richard Small, Incoming Correspondence Secretary for NZLPA - January 21, 2024

In early December, 27 lay preachers representing 12 Auckland parishes gathered at St John’s College in Auckland where Rev Andrew Gamman led a workshop on Re Thinking Worship. Andrew, a presbyter at Waitoki Community Church, Whangaparaoa Methodist Parish, is well known for his innovative approach to worship and worship resources.

The diverse audience included lay preachers and others from Te Taha Māori and co-operating ventures in Te Tai Taukarau/Northland, Auckland Manukau and Waikato, trainee lay preachers from Waitakere, a retired presbyter, the ecumenical deaf fellowship - and a loyal hearing dog – as well as Pākehā, Samoan, Tongan, and Fijian representatives. Clearly there is great interest in making worship more relevant and connected with today’s world!

The interactive seminar provided many valuable insights. We looked at why people disconnect from worship and how attention spans and communication have changed. What worked 40 years ago is no longer relevant for many. We considered several topical issues. Do people come to church to be “told stuff” or to grow in their journey of faith? Do we assume that our audience may include those who are unfamiliar with church jargon? Are we promoting a living faith, or a Sunday morning hobby meeting?

We also looked at basic delivery issues. We need to show conviction in what we say, and how we say it:

  • Speaking clearly at a normal pace and with conviction.
  • Projecting confidence and having a clear message.
  • Minimising Christian jargon and abstract terms
  • Engaging people rather than being judgemental. Using the active voice.
  • Appropriate use of power points (pictures not words).

We were challenged to work through a passage of Scripture and to reduce the message to a single simple sentence with a few basic preaching points. Participants worked through a simple worksheet to prepare a worship service. Feedback indicated this was an extremely valuable learning experience for all.

Including the 10 Minutes on Tuesday resource following the lectionary and more recent resources through Kereru Publishing Andrew has put these principles into practice.

We extend a special thanks to Andrew whose progressive resources, principles and practices have seen Waitoki, become a vibrant hands-on church where attendees include the demographics missing from so many other places of worship.

Long time Correspondence Secretary for the NZ Lay Preachers’ Association Linda Hall organised the 2 December event and is now stepping back, passing on the role to myself. We look forward to further regional lay preacher training in 2024.

Our next gathering on Saturday 6 April, 2024 at Wesley Roskill Methodist Church will be led by Rev Lynne Wall. The theme is “Preaching the Gospel of Saint Mark”.