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Kidz Korna

Doreen Lennox —

We hear a lot about climate change and global warming so what can children do to help reduce the amount of carbon in air?

There is more pollution in the world than ever before and one thing that can help reduce it is planting trees. We breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and convert it into a form of glucose. This feeds the trees and helps them to grow. Eventually, they in turn breathe out oxygen that helps clean the air. So what can you do? Plant trees. If there is space in your garden, plant a tree; trees have many benefits including providing shade on hot days. Encourage your schools and churches to plant trees. There are many more uses for trees. Make a list of those you can think of. You will be surprised.

Book Review

Title: Old enough to save the planet

Author: Loll Kirby

Publisher: Magic Cat Publishing

This is the story of 12 young activists from around the world who decided to do something about climate change.

Felix, a nine-year-old from Germany, encouraged children to grow trees and a while later over one million trees had been planted in over 100 countries. Find out what children in India, England, Indonesia, South Africa and other countries did. The book is available at Paper Plus and other good book shops, or you can listen to the author reading her story on YouTube.