Hero photograph
Photo by Ady Shannon

MCNZ Farewells a Loyal Friend and Colleague

Ady Shannon —

On 28 February, whanau, friends and colleagues past and present gathered at the Connexional Office for a special farewell morning tea for Wendy Keir. Following 12 years of committed service, Wendy is retiring from her position as personal assistant to the General Secretary.

A day earlier MCNZ General Secretary, Rev Tara Tautari, sent out a message that captured the essence of Wendy’s skill, loyalty and dedication: “We are thankful for Wendy’s contribution to the work of the Methodist Church of New Zealand and we will miss her presence with us. Wendy’s skills and talents helped shape much of the work of the Connexional Office and her gift for forging strong relationships with members throughout the country has been a blessing for the whole Church. We give our heartfelt thanks and ask God’s blessings for her as she embarks on a new pathway for the future.”

Former General Secretaries, Rev Jill van de Geer and Rev David Bush, were amongst the guests gathered and each shared personal testimony of the friendship they had enjoyed with Wendy. David recounted her tumultuous start to working at MCNZ. Just three weeks in, her induction was interrupted by a major earthquake that destroyed the Christchurch workplace. For the next five years Wendy and David worked from a bedroom in a suburban house that provided temporary space for the displaced Connexional Office team. “Given the challenging circumstances, it would have been very reasonable of her to say, ‘This is not what I signed up for.’ That was just one of many challenges she has faced over the years. She has been a faithful, diligent personal assistant and a really good friend,” David said.

Jill reiterated the many invaluable skills that Wendy has shared, adding trust and friendliness to the list of special attributes. “She has the greatest integrity of anyone I have ever known.”

Daughters Ange and Kelly paid tribute to their mother, who has always been an inspiring role model: fiercely determined, independent and totally supportive of all their endeavours. Kelly also thanked MCNZ for supporting her mum through the years. Synod Superintendent, Rev Kathryn Walters, also spoke briefly, acknowledging Wendy’s awesome personality and wealth of church knowledge. “You have been a joy to work alongside and you have always kept me safe and sane during Conference.”

In a final email message to Connexional contacts Wendy wrote, “It is hard to say goodbye. I have loved my time working at the Connexional Office with the amazing team we have here and also with the wider Church where I have met and worked with a great many wonderful people. … thank you, thank you, thank you, for your friendship and for being such a special group of people to work with. I will miss you!”

Over recent months Wendy has shared her extensive church knowledge with Connexional Office receptionist Lucille Havenga who has stepped into the PA role. Lucille can be contacted on 03 366 6049, ext. 827 or lucilleh@methodist.org.nz.