Sinoti Samoa — Aug 31, 2022

On Sunday evening 14 August our New Zealand Methodist Women’s Executive team kindly hosted the commissioning of our very own Olive Tanielu, as the newly appointed South Pacific Area President.

It was great to have our Sinoti Samoa leaders, and members from Wasewase, Feohi’anga’a Fafine Metotisi Nu’u Sila, Mafutaga Tama’aita’i Samoa and Auckland attend.

Although the celebration was not in Sweden as we planned, those who attended made it out like it was in Otahuhu Auckland New Zealand. Tuitui Saleveao was our Pilot, Talie our Co-pilot and the rest of the NZMWF Executive team as the air-hostesses!

We wish Olive all the best in her role and pray God’s blessings, strength, courage and wisdom will guide her and her team.