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Letters to the Editor

Various —

Readers respond to articles and issues of importance.

Healing the Human Spirit Wairua

What is the Church's role and purpose in the issue of tackling family and sexual harm?

Will the Church formulate and present a Christian viewpoint and potential solution?

Within the lead article in Touchstone, February 2023, I could grasp the vision of The Hon. Marama Davidson in her role as Minister for Prevention of Family Violence and Sexual Violence. I appreciate the logistics of information gathering and formulating outcomes to set a path for a 25-year national strategy and action plan to eliminate these issues by 2050.

Nevertheless, I ask. What about the wairua (spirit) of those being referred to as being ‘harmed’ by Family Violence and Sexual Violence.”There is no mention of the human spirit (wairua) either within the quotes from the Minister or other contributors mentioned.

Dr Clare Healy spoke of her work teaching clinicians and medical professionals how to recognise and address sexual harm and abuse with patients, which requires specialised training. “This is not taught or talked about at medical school.”

It would seem to me that the adversarial type of practice in the Court system continues because, in the same way, the Judicial system does not have an understanding of the effects of trauma on the body, soul and spirit as it is probably ‘not taught or talked about at Law School’.

Harvard University, Athletic and Psychology groups have completed studies on Spirituality-Medicine which would lead to the assumption that the spirit exists and functions within a human being.

The article quoted ‘even where the body is healed, the damage to heart and head is long term for those having experienced the trauma.’ There is still no mention of the spirit within human beings, our Christian belief is that we are tri-partite beings i.e. made up of body, soul and spirit.Healing needs to take place in every aspect; leaving one out does not complete the process.

Family violence and sexual violence are part of the generational inheritance of those harmed; as well as those who harm them. Our spiritual inheritance comes via our family tree. Many different events and traumas in our ancestors’ lives pass down the generations in just the same way as physical characteristics and blood types. Medical science and research are beginning to recognise that trauma changes cell structure, and over time can change our DNA. Genetic-based disorders and diseases continue to be identified.

The application of Biblical principles and wisdom provides healing for those involved and influences the impact on the wider family unit. There is a need to “apply the axe to the root of the tree” (Matthew 3:10). The root of the problem needs to be addressed and cut out even as the provision of support and advocacy for victims and survivors continues.

If a genuine solution is wanted for these cycles of violence to stop for all people to “move from darkness to light,” listening and incorporating all perspectives and methods is essential.

Patricia Large NZSRN (Retired)  Hamilton.

Inclusive Church

Last Sunday I listened to a reflection titled ‘Speak the Truth in Love.’ It highlighted last year’s mandates protest with the message don’t accept what you are told; ‘use your God-given intelligence’ to seek the truth. Last year I did just that. I visited the occupation and received a warm welcome. I went with eyes to see and ears to hear. I walked around the entire complex with my camera looking for unpleasant slogans, signs of vandalism, advocacy of violence and rubbish littering the grounds and didn’t find any.

I saw slogans speaking of love, expressing sorrow, invitations to pray and on an entry gatepost this notice: WELCOME Come in peace; Alcohol-Free; Kids Friendly; Respect All; Stand Strong; Spread Love; Be Free. Did you see these things on news items you watched? I listened to speeches and talked with protesters including elderly campers. A father with two young sons offered me he just poured coffee. I asked if he was camping. He was at a hotel and had brought his children because the issues are so important. He was sorry they weren’t camping - such a good atmosphere he said.

All medications have potential side effects. Coronaviruses are not prevented by vaccines. Masks cannot stop coronaviruses, but mask micro-fibres can lodge in the lungs. The best prevention is ventilation and hygiene along with vitamins C and D that can lessen severity, but few corporates make money out of open windows, soap and water. Readily available vitamins are not owned by drug companies. Underlying conditions activated by covid vaccines include heart, respiratory, and cancers. How many people do you know who have died with unexpected rapidness in the past year?

For a church to refuse entry to those who exercise choice over penetration of their bodies is not my idea of inclusive, unconditional love. I will always support the marginalised and advocate that all voices be heard without bias.

Rosalie Sugrue, Paraparaumu