Inoi mō te ahiahi pō

Keita Hotere & Shirley Rivers —

Upholding of our membership in prayer throughout the nationwide lockdown has been important for everyone.

Preface: Keita Hotere Upholding of our membership in prayer throughout the nationwide lockdown has been important for everyone. The following reflection on 1 Peter 1:6-7 and inoi whakamutunga concluding prayer comes from Kaikarakia Shirley Rivers, a longstanding member of our Waikato Rohe. Shirley has been one of the many Methodist faces who has contributed to the daily evening prayers. In these extracts taken from her evening prayer she helps us to see the moments when we experience the joys and wonder in life during times of uncertainty. Being present to the power of encounter lifts and restores our faith in one another, and also reveals the unmasked beauty of our own vulnerabilities in challenging situations. 

Inoi mō te ahiahi pō: Shirley Rivers 

The passage 1 Peter 1:6-7 acknowledges that we will have trials in our life, and that our faith will be tested. We are currently experiencing the challenges of Covid. Once again, we are being tested. However, we have experienced this before. Our faith supported us then and will support us again.

Our government has been promoting vaccination for all as a strategy to protect us against the serious consequences of this new Delta variant of Covid. Many people in our country are vulnerable, as they do not have the immune system to fight this virus. Others live with challenging health conditions and require additional support to fight this virus. 

In making the decision on whether or not to be vaccinated, it helps to be informed and to know what to expect. When I booked my first vaccination, I was apprehensive and not fully committed. 

After completing the first processing interview, checking my name and contact details and receiving a card that tracked my injections, I was asked to sit down in a special area. There were no chairs left, however a young couple invited me to sit in the chair occupied by the woman. Her partner was standing by her as there were no other available chairs. The young woman then asked me, was this my first or second injection. I told her it was my first and she replied it was their second and spent some time reassuring me that I would be fine. 

I was overwhelmed by her compassion and sensitivity. Here was a complete stranger, someone very young, with such generosity of spirit. She was patient with me, calm and thoughtful in her words and manner. I was reminded of the message from our Prime Minister to ‘be kind’. To experience such kindness at a time of ‘trial’ restored my faith - not my faith in God - in people. When we met again in the waiting area after receiving our injections, she asked me if I was alright. To have this stranger provide genuine compassion and care was a gift. 

So be truly glad as proclaimed in 1 Peter 1 vs 6. There is joy ahead, even though you must endure trials for a time. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. This chance meeting gave me faith that we can overcome Covid with compassion, genuine care and kindness for one another. 

Inoi Whakamutunga: 

Gracious and loving god, as we come together in your name, in these times of distress, restore in us the faith to do your work. Open up in us a generosity of spirit, a compassion for others, strength to reach out a helping hand, to give words of encouragement, words of reassurance to those in need. Help us to develop a loving and caring presence for others, in these challenging times. Show us how to act in ways that demonstrate a genuine regard for others, to live and express our faith in you.

Thank you, Lord, for the gifts you have provided, for your care and protection. Look after those people and their families who are living with Covid, help them in their recovery. Care for all the essential workers who put themselves at risk every day to provide for our needs. Support the community of Auckland who bare the hardship of being the community that is most at risk. 

We pray for the family in Auckland who recently lost a loved one to Covid. We ask that you look after the families, the communities overseas who are still living daily with the Delta variant of Covid, those families who are infected, in distress and those who have lost loved ones.

Support us through these challenging times. In Jesus name we pray Amine.