Hero photograph
Annabella Third
Photo by Supplied.

This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.

Annabella Third —

The catchy classic Sunday School song This Little Light of Mine reminds us to shine our light for God, no matter what situation we find ourselves in. This week when reading the Epiphany 2 lectionary, a verse in Isaiah 49 caught my eye and brought me a new perspective.

 It says, ‘I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.’ The first part is saying God will make us a light. I find this so encouraging, knowing that with him we will shine. Through him we find purpose, love and understanding. As a young person it inspires me to know God has a plan for me to shine even if sometimes I don’t feel like I can be a light to others.

The second part of the verse is a change from the usual message we hear about light in the bible. For example Matthew 5:14 says. ‘You are the light of the world, like a city on a hilltop you cannot be hidden. Verses like these tell us God makes us shine and we are his light, but I think we forget why we are lights. That’s why I fell in love with this verse. As Christians, it reminds us of our call and the great commission.

Lights are a guide; they illuminate the darkness and pave the way. As Christians we model our light from the time when Jesus came down to earth. He was loving, kind and filled with the Holy Spirit. He was a light that helped people through their darkness and to find the right direction to go. Just as a lighthouse warns sailors of rocks and dangerous waters and guides them to safety, this verse reminds us that we too are lighthouses. Lighthouses always have their lights turned on because ships may come past at any time. This was my biggest encouragement; being a Christian and having this light isn’t a part-time commitment. Rather it is something that should become a part of our daily life.

We are not all able to be famous and hold huge roles of influence, however, by always having our light on we can help and guide people in our daily life. We can shine a light for non-believers, even when we don’t notice. By being lighthouses we will direct people to God’s salvation so that it will extend to the ends of the earth. By us always shining our light like Jesus and the lighthouse, everyone will get the chance to be part of the amazing kingdom of God.