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Tauiwi Youth Conference 2022 is going to be ON!

Mission Resourcing —

As we cautiously come out of Covid-enforced restrictions and traffic light systems, we are excited to announce the return of our premier Connexional youth leaders training event!

Back in February 2020, young leaders from across Tauiwi were able gather in Waikanae for TYC 2020 | REMNANT. TYC 2020 was productive, hopeful and firmly forward-facing so as to challenge the church to hear the voice and mind of young people in relation to crucial issues the church and society is facing. TYC 2020 wrapped up with much work to be done and excitement for what could be ahead.

Of course, we know what happened! Lockdowns and more. Much of the work we anticipated undertaking was temporarily halted, as a new normal set in. 2021 was even more disruptive in many ways, although by then we had begun to come to grips with this new norm and ways of doing and being.

Fast-forward to 2022 and we are excited to announce the return of another TYC, scheduled for June 23-26 2022. This edition of TYC will be unique. The beautiful St. Johns Methodist Church Hamilton East will be our central venue for the weekend, with delegates encouraged to find their own accommodation in groups across the city. This is a move more towards a model similar to Methodist Conference and away from how we have typically done things at a campsite.

Although still working on the general programme and theme, we are sure that TYC will provide young leaders with the space to address some pressing issues within the life of the church. Issues which were picked up on in the past TYC’s such as climate justice, youth mental health and leadership development will continue to be explored. The bi-centennial year of the church also provides an opportunity for young people to speak into the vision and strategy of our Haahi as we mark the origins of our church in Aotearoa whilst looking forward to what is next.

As always, youth energy and vibrancy will be central to our gathering – with creative elements and spaces being worked on. Each of our evening sessions will be opened up to the wider community to attend to be part of conference worship.

Other Methodist organisations and groups will be called upon in our coming together, with a particular focus on intergenerational partnership and ministry. The cultural beauty and diversity of our Haahi will look to be expressed and encouraged through the lens of fresh young eyes and perspectives.

We are excited for what TYC has in store! We would like to encourage your parish to consider sending delegates to what promises to be a monumental gathering to mark a landmark year in the history of Weteriana.

Our registration costs have been slashed, and we offer limited accommodation spaces for those travelling outside of Auckland who may require assistance in finding a place to stay for the weekend. Tauiwi Youth Conference 2022 is going to be ON! Don’t let your young people – valued members of your parish here and now – miss out on the opportunity to be freshly Connected, Resourced and Inspired!

To register and for more information, head over to www.missionresourcing.org.nz/tyc - REGISTRATIONS ARE OPEN!

For support for registration costs, consider the next round of Let the Children Live funding which is available to parishes to apply for later this month. www.missionresourcing.org.nz/lcl

Following a Covid-enforced break, Tauiwi Youth Conference 2022 will be held in Hamilton 23 to 26 June.

Michael Lemanu, Tauiwi Children, Youth and Family Ministries - National Coordinator