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Photo by Web Master

Supporting Families in Gaza

Gillian Southey Christian World Service —

Despite limited resources and extremely challenging circumstances, Christian World Service partner, the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR), is providing invaluable assistance and healthcare to thousands of displaced Palestinians in Rafah.

In one corner of a busy courtyard in southern Gaza, a group of young children are listening to a woman. As she talks, the children start to relax and then join in the familiar action songs. Some watch in silence. When she finishes, each child enjoys a cup of mineral water and a nutritious palm date.

Inside, mothers are crowded into an empty classroom. They listen to another woman trained in mental health. In the group they find support and new ways to help their frightened children. Everyone is on edge and desperate for the war to end.

Both psychosocial sessions were run by Christian World Service partner, the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR), working from its only remaining centre in Rafah.

By mid- February, DSPR staff had reached more than 4,546 people with psychological support. Its mental health team of 13 is organising entertainment: drama, puppet games, sports games, art activities for children in groups big and small. The sessions included music, movement and relaxation exercises to help them cope. The mothers practise breathing, play games and learn stress management skills.

The medical team has seen more than 8,654 children and adults at its Primary Health Clinic which normally cares for mothers and children up to 6 years old, including with dental care.

DSPR has also distributed hygiene supplies, run health awareness workshops focusing on water-borne and communicable diseases. It has made 620 emergency cash transfers to eligible families for their most urgent needs.

“The destruction of our premises, the limitations of our resources, the poor connections and the fragmentation have never prevented DSPR-Gaza from keeping a light in the middle of darkness and trying to help people live with dignity.”

“What has been done so far and what we are doing now could not be achieved without the generous support of our partners. ‘For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in.’ Matthew 25:35,” says DSPR.

If you can, please support the Gaza Palestine Appeal or call 0800 74 73 72.

DSPR are providing psychosocial sessions for Palestinians in the south of Gaza.