“There’s nothing left in the tank ...”
David Hanna, Director Wesley Community Action, reflects on the phrase former Prime Minister Jacinda Adren used to describe the reason behind her decision to resign.
“There’s nothing left in the tank .... “ A powerful and ignored fact on the state of our global economy and the ecology of our planet. We humans have overshot – the earth’s tank for our current scale and nature of human activity is beyond empty.
“There’s nothing left in the tank ....” An insightful reflection on the inability of new technology to sustain our modern way of life. New energy sources renewable or not, will not magically enable us to carry on as we are. We are pouring money into the new technology tank when it is a mirage.
“There’s nothing left in the tank .... “ The confronting statement on the energy required to stand your ground in the face of growing opposition to change. The invested interests in wealth and power are not wanting to change. Their belief in the abundance of all things - that the tank replenishes itself, masks their desire to keep their privileged ways. They continue their wars, abuse, lies, misogyny, ignorance and manipulation to maintain the status quo.
“There’s nothing left in the tank ....” A description of our hamstrung democratic system. Its short-term political horizon, trap of double bind (promising change while keeping things as they are) and centralised management of ‘solutions’, starves authentic political leaders of the genuine sense of making a difference.
“There’s nothing left in the tank .... “ A personal reflection of New Zealand’s leader for why she is changing tack. A political leader who embraces an inclusive vision based on equity and empathy, and who has given fully of herself is experiencing a diminished energising feedback loop. She is speaking the truth to her being. She is being compassionate for herself and her family. She has stepped back and reflected and made a decision. No doubt, she will look for new ways to effect life-sustaining change.
Pandemics, wars, Brexit / migration fears, storms, the extinction of species, droughts, mass-shootings, recessions, inflation, mental ill health, warming atmosphere, political extremes, and infra-structure decline are all connected. They are all signs that ‘there is nothing left in the tank. The lifestyle we humans in the developed world cherish is rapidly coming to an end.
Our tank is empty; lets all pause, step back, change tack and be part of creating new ways to effect vital life-sustaining change.