Hero photograph
Ady Shannon

Paper Price Hike Impacts Touchstone

From the Editor —

In the middle of March we received advice from our printer that the cost of paper has increased significantly. From 1 April there will be a 30 percent increase in the cost of producing our publication. This considerable and unexpected price increase will likely be followed by an increase in the cost of distribution, as fuel price increases filter through to freight and courier service providers.

I strongly urge all parish stewards, presbyters and administrators to review the number of papers delivered each month. Touchstone is available online in two formats; a PDF that replicates the printed version, and an alternative more modernist, newsletter style that allows the reader to share articles and links. Encouraging readers to access Touchstone online helps to relieve the increase in our production costs and is also environmentally sound.

To access the online versions, visit: www.methodist.org.nz/whakapapa/news/touchstone

In an effort to mitigate additional expenses, Touchstone this month has reverted to being printed entirely on newsprint stock. Hopefully by May we can reduce our print numbers and thereby further relieve additional expenses. Please consider the number of papers you currently receive and if you are able to minimize the bundle / package size, email reception@methodist.org.nz so we can adjust our records accordingly. Email should include the name and address of the contact currently receiving papers for you / your parish.

Nga mihi nui.