He Inoi Mo Te Tumuaki Hou
The historic induction service of the new Tumuaki for Te Taha Māori, Rev. Dr Arapera Ngaha was held at Whakatuora centre on the evening of 24 October. The opening prayer is a blessing for the new Te Taha Māori leadership from Tira Toki – Mema o Te Rohe o Te Waipounamu.
Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora ki a koe me tōu katoa i tēnei pō whakamīharo, whakamana mōu e taku Whaea. Ina koe ka tū hei Pou whakairiora i te iwi, koia nei ko koe ka whakanuihia. Whai ra koe i te huarahi kua whakatūwhera mōu i roto i ngā ringa kaha o Te Atua, tū mai koe he Maunga whakahī hei hīkoitanga mo tōu iwi, whakapāoho atu te kupu ki te minenga kua noho mai ki mua i a koe hei oranga mo tōu ao, mo te ao kei tua i a tāua. Noho mai koe he kanohi kitea.
Koia nei tētahi o ngā manotini e mihi kau ana ki a koe i tēnei rā. Whai i tēnei mahi kaua mo tōu iwi e taku Whaea, me maumahara hoki koe ki tōu katoa hoki. Arohanui rawa mutungakore ki a koe e taku Whaea.
The evening liturgy opened with the words from Proverbs 18: 15: "An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” These words characterise the hope promised in the gift of ministry leadership. As people engaged in church leadership we are always striving to make wise decisions with an open mind and heart for all.
On behalf of our Te Taha Māori whānau I offer my sincere thanks to the members of the church, those who travelled from the South Island and from the Far North to attend this momentous event in the life of Te Taha Māori. It was truly a blessed celebration to receive the Hāhi whānau who gave of their time to spend an evening with us. Our whānau were honoured to welcome you all into our whare Whakatuora in Tamaki rohe. We acknowledge with gratitude all members of the church who were unable to attend the celebration, and those who sent their messages of congratulations. Many thanks to Michael Lemanu, Paula Moala and Felonitesi Manukia for providing the livestream at short notice.
During the church service Vice President TeRito Peyroux-Semu shared from Isaiah 40: 1-9 and spoke of leadership as “comfort”, one who strengthens and enables others to stand strong in their faith. This comfort is the hope we share for all who follow the way of Christ, to find that which sustains and keeps us true to our calling and path. Especially in these times of uncertainty when there is much division in the world.
The church service was followed with greetings by the wider connexion. Synod representation, Trinity College, and Mission Resourcing brought their gifts and well wishes. These are the blessings that belonging to a connexional church brings us. Those present reflected on the people who have also provided leadership for our church in the past. People spoke of Arapera’s many years of committed service on different boards and committees of our church, and many spoke about the challenge and responsibility of connexional leadership.
We acknowledge with thanks the support and blessings for Arapera her whānau and Te Taha Māori as she undertakes this new ministry for the church. Whakawhetai ki te Atua.