. — Sep 30, 2022

Members of the Connexion join in prayer as we lead up to Conference 2022.

A prayer from Tauiwi Youth Conference 2022

The church is a waka on the water; it is the water that it was made for.

It was launched from one land in hope of reaching another. When the maunga will be visible – piercing the horizon – the church cannot tell. But still, in hope, it moves forward.

The church is a waka on the water; the water can be peaceful, tranquil and still. It can also be volatile, aggressive and unforgiving. Its stillness can reflect the stars above. Its waves can tower and destroy in a single sweep. In whatever water, still in hope, the church moves forward.

The church is a waka on the water; it is filled with voyagers. People on board for a variety of reasons, roles and responsibilities. People on the waka, belong to it. Their place on board is crucial to its journey. The waka finds purpose through its people and the people seek purpose on the waka. The hope in which they move forward, is a reciprocal hope. A voyage towards restoration.

The church is a waka on the water. God the parent is the timeless navigation system and guide. The stars and moon. The temperature and current.

The Holy Spirit is the wind in its sails. Helping the waka to glide across the seas of great unknown.

We who are on board, row with our backs facing towards the future, and our eyes towards where it is that we have come from. Ka mua, ka muri, the journey continues. And where Christ, our captain, our Rangatira leads, so it is where we will go.


Loving God, receiver of our prayers, hear us once again, we pray.

You call us to love. You call us to be loved.

You challenge us to love. You find no challenge in loving us.

You reveal your love to us. You reflect your love through us.

You love us and our neighbor. You press us to do the same. 

You love us patiently. You love us kindly. 

You desire for us to love with no bound or end. 

For you loved the world so much that you gave your only begotten son. 

So that our hearts may come to know that you are love itself. Amen. 

From Reluctant to Ready

God, our companion on life’s journey, move us from reluctance to readiness.

Where we are slow to respond to the calling of your will, move us from reluctance to readiness.

Where we are overly comfortable where we are, move us from reluctance to readiness.

Where young people need our care and attention, move us from reluctance to readiness.

Where our judgement prevents us from understanding the differences in generations, move us from reluctance to readiness.

Where many people are – not in church on a Sunday but living life in other places, move us from reluctance to readiness.

Wake us from slumber and contempt, and have us be your living church. Amen.


Creator God, we are made in your image. Help us to return to this reality when we find ourselves in a synthetic world. Help us to avoid an identity rooted in things that do not last. Where the pressure of image and reputation have led to the destruction of self-esteem and self-confidence. Help us to be reminded of the value you place on our unique and distinctive qualities. In times when the world may encourage a filter, keep us authentic and genuine – in how we live and how we love ourselves, so to love our neighbour. Amen.


God is fluid and in motion, more like a tide and less like a rock. God is breathing, sighing and emoting. God is shaping and creating, drawn to the new and intrigued by the old. God is excited and energized. God is both responsive and proactive. God continues to faith, hope and love.

Are we the same? God, where we fail to meet your expectation, though loved regardless, we pray for your encouragement. Let us follow you and seek to emulate Jesus in what we do. For the glory of Your name. Amen.

Heaven on Earth

God of here and now, you affirm us as your precious creation. You came for life after birth, not just life after death. You are constantly meeting us where we are and revealing yourself in ways we don’t expect. Our hope is assured in you. Our potential is realized in you. Thank you for your love that is forward facing yet doesn’t leave anyone behind. Thank you that heaven is on earth and life in all its fullness is within our grasp when we look towards Jesus. Amen.

Spirit Stirred

At times, the mundane of life can cause ones spirit to slumber. Asleep at the wheel, we let life pass us by. The busier we become, the more rushed we appear. The deeper our spirit sleeps without the awareness of what is around it.

But don’t think for a second that God won’t wake you up. Don’t lose sight of Gods power, energy and wonder. In a moment, God can rattle, disrupt and disturb. God can bring forth a new-found passion. God can reintroduce you to your first love.

Don’t believe God, who breathes galaxies into existence, is done with you yet. Your spirit can hit snooze no longer. It’s time to wake up and be stirred again.