Kete Aroha o Waipounamu
Theme: Theology on the Edge Sunday 28 - Tuesday 30 January 2024
South Island Synods will hold a three-day school of theology at Aldersgate, Christchurch. Anyone interested in resourcing their preaching is invited to attend this theologically stimulating event featuring a number of highly respected and well-known keynote speakers, workshops, reflections and group discussions.
Kete Aroha o Waipounamu starts at 2pm on Sunday 28 January with Professor Emeritus Peter Lineham sharing knowledge gained over 40 years lecturing on religious history at Massey University,
On Sunday and Monday evenings Sr. Kathleen Rushton, a member of Nga Whaea Atawhai Sisters of Mercy Catholic Order, will talk about her latest studies into John’s Gospel, which has concentrated on the eschatological cosmology of the prologue as a way of understanding the message of the whole gospel. As John’s Gospel dominates the Lenten Lectionary readings, these will be enriching sessions.
Professor David Tombs, the Director of and the Howard Paterson Chair of Theology and Public Issues Centre, University of Otago, is a lay Anglican Theologian who likes to explore biblical stories and what they might say to current issues. Over two sessions he will explore Jesus’ experience of sexual abuse from Biblical and Pastoral perspectives. Given the recent focus on abuse in Aotearoa these will be particularly significant sessions.
After each presentation there will be time for questions and small group discussions around questions posed by the presenter. Further interaction will take place in four workshops that will cover:
· Exploring being/doing/creating church and mission in contemporary ways/shapes and forms. .
· Exploring mental health through pastoral and theological lenses - “no health without mental health”
· Preaching on the Gospel of Mark, especially pertinent as Mark is the 2023-24 gospel
· Looking a the Second/New Testament through a Jewish Lens.
The programme includes daily reflections as well as time for personal reflection and interactions.
This event came out of the enthusiasm that was generated when the three South Island geographical Synods met in March and made the final commitment to join together, from February 2024. On Saturday afternoon before Kete Aroha o Waipounamu there will be service to mark the beginning of the new South Island Synod, as well as the Induction of the Synod Superintendent, Rev Dale Peach. On the Sunday morning there will be a Synod Service.
The $150 registration fee includes all meals except breakfast. We thank PAC for a Grant that has kept the costs down. For registration information
Kete Aroha o Waipounamu
South Island Methodist School of Theology 2024 - Theology on the Edge
Sunday 28 to Tuesday 30 January
Aldersgate, 309 Durham Street,
Christchurch Central Methodist Parish Centre